Thursday, January 12, 2012


> Tomorrow I will know where I am going and will leave my area because I
> am being transferred!!!!!!!!!!! whooooooo!!!!! yeah, I am excited so
> that is definitely not the only thing that happened this week. I have
> a lot more later.
> I haven't gotten the package, I think i will when I am transferred
> tomorrow. I don't know where I am going or who I will be with. I am
> excited to see a new area and actually explore Brazil. I don't have
> much time today because we are writing really late here. We went to a
> mall today and had all you can eat pizza there... so we were there for
> a long time and didn't get back to email in time so sorry but I can't
> email much this week. Glad byu volleyball is doing well, they played
> there first game right? Taylor will write eventually haha. iIhave
> faith.
> So if you think killing a fly is cool wait till I tell you what
> happened this week. I will only tell you because I am being transferred
> and the danger will be far away..... so we were sitting in our front
> room (us 4) and we hear 5 or 6 gun shots really close to our house! we
> all stared at each other and I went to the door and looked out the top
> crack, because I am the only one that can reach, and there were 3 or 4
> guys running down the streets away from the gun shots. Then I saw a
> guy on the ground. We waited until everyone left there houses and
> there were tons of people outside and we went and looked. The guy was
> shot 4 times and we saw him take his last breath and die!!!! basically
> the craziest thing that I have ever seen. I am sure you are way happy
> that i shared that with you:) I have pictures that aren't very good
> that i will send next week. I tried to take a picture from our
> house... didn't work.
> Can you send me a belt please? next time.
> another thing. Natalie.... you are not bad at math. I tried to teach a
> girl math and she didn't even know that there was a difference between
> 2-3 and 3-2. it was really hard for me. Anne and Mike sent me a card!
>Thank you to everyone who wrote me and/or sent packages at Christmas.
>It was awesome!
> Thank you!!!!
>The hardest thing is to find people that are actually
>married! everyone is "married" which means that they are just living
>together.  It is hard, that is why everyone baptizes a bunch of kids.
>Our focus is men though, like it is in almost all of the other
>missions because without men, the  church can't grow in that area. It's
>weird to think that the mission will end. Before the mission I thought
>the mission would never come. It is awesome. I am super excited for this
>transfer and for the upcoming weeks.

> Also we did service on Saturday and there were coconut trees
> there, so of course we had to try to climb them and get the coconuts
> down. I then found a giant pvc pipe and used that.... modern
> technology in Brazil!! that's all for this week. love you guys!!! i will
> be in a different place next week!