Sunday, July 15, 2012


My week went really well. The only problem is that we got a phone call today saying that we would be transferred. We left a family ready to be baptized and i don't know where I am going yet. We go to the mission office at 6 o clock to see where we will go. I am sad, but happy at the same time.  The area here is awesome, one of the best on the mission because the members love to help. Too late for the pictures haha. next week I will take pictures of where I am.
  I already gave you the date when I will be released...25th of June. I will have already been here for two years so it doesn't matter to me how long we travel. 1 week or 5 weeks haha. you guys can choose, I just want to show you guys me converts and my areas. After that we can go wherever you want in Brazil. Maybe we will go to the temple to watch a sealing of one of my investigators. It should be around the same week! I think that would be fun for you guys. After, it would be fun to visit the south. Maybe some comps that I had from there.
Everything here is going well, just a little nervous where I am going next and why I was transferred so early but I am sure everything is alright!
so the movie Rio about the bird that goes to Brazil is something that you guys need to watch before coming to Brazil and after too. There are tons of stereotypes really funny and true in that movie. Watch it now, and after you guys visit and see Brazil in real life you guys will laugh. that's about all for the week. we would have some baptisms but we were transferred, sad, but that's life.
Anyway, love you guys and hope everything is going well in the US.
Jake was moved to the mission office so we got an extra email this week.  He also sent some pictures from his last area.

I am in the office. We live in a different house, but the president is the only one that lives in the mission home. I am the executive clerk not sure what that means but I do EVERYTHING that doesn't involve money.  Right now I am typing up the baptismal documents into the computer. My comp that is training me is elder diniz and he will go to the field in 3 weeks. Elder pajaro is my comp that will stay for a little while at least.  I am happy. Its not even that much work, and it looks like we will be playing volleyball every morning! 
I think they put me in a few weeks earlier just to train me before the transfers because elder diniz would go into the field and I would do everything without training. How are you guys doing!?
Elder langlois


So my comps name is Elder Lewis and he is from a small town in Nevada. He is a farmer/logger haha. He has been on the mission for 9 months already, and his Portuguese isn't the best, because he always had American comps that only spoke English. He is shocked now because I never speak English. Hopefully he can learn fast. Go to Google maps or maybe the website of the church and you shouldn't have a problem finding the names of the places. They are all neighbors on the map.
so this area is awesome. We found a family that is married and all 3 went to church on Sunday. They loved it and now we are just spending time with them until their baptismal date the 14th. Finally my hard work is paying off.

Also, I don't think I told you yet, but my investigators in my last area should have gotten married already and baptized and they want us to watch the wedding when my mission is over. It is exactly one year to wait to get sealed. Maybe we can plan on going to watch it.
There are so many people that are lost, and it is great to know that we are helping people understand that there is more than just we see that is real. Its still hard for me to understand, but every day we learn a little bit more.

Not sure if I have grown taller, but I know for a fact that I have gotten bigger. I am 200 pounds now at least, but the good part is that it isn't fat. haha so don't think that I will come back with a huge belly and cheeks the size of oranges.
It is almost one year that I am out, but i will be home one year from today, more or less haha. that's so weird to think about.
The monkeys here don't like people very much, but are very curious. There was one that was just hanging on the tree watching us look at him. They are everywhere and really funny.
So some funny things. There was a holiday here and were some parties and a thing called quadrilha. Its like a skit that we did in high school just Brazilian. We watched it on Friday haha. It was crazy and something that I don't think I will forget.
also is Brazil a 3rd world country? and do you have a recipe for guacamole?
Elder maciel visited with his mom, and I got to see him again. Its weird to see him not as a missionary. Everything here is going great, saw the family that I baptized in my first area, and they are still firm in the church and are planning to be sealed soon.
Its great to see that we changed the lives of people and how much the church can help people be happier.
I love you all and hope you have a good week!


Hello family and friends!
I am doing great and I am in the area called Colina which is the neighbor of Tabuleiro which is the neighbor of Benedito. Basically I am just serving in a line here in Maceió. Its really funny, but it will be good when you guys come so I can show you all of my areas that are so close to each other. I am sending pictures right now. Also my companion is giant too. He is 6 4 and is 300 pounds. hahaha everyone is scared of us! We are doing well together. Hopefully people will let us in even though we are a little scary.
Well nothing that exciting happened this week. Some funny things...
we had to carry two boxes of 20 book of Mormons to my old area. As a district leader I have to make sure the other missionaries in my district have the supplies necessary to teach. So we carried a 20 pound box while it was raining with an umbrella. haha that is ridiculous. 
Also just like you guys see squirrels in CA that is how often we see monkeys. They are they same thing pretty much. 
This ward is really good, and everyone wants to help. It is good to have an area like this. The first one! 
also something funny... we talked to some parents of a kid that plays volleyball professionally in São Paulo. They said they would give me all of the contact information to try out and see if I could play and study there haha. I don't think I will but maybe I would go there just to see if I could make the team. Don't worry, I will come back to BYU still. ha
anyway, love you guys and hope everyone is praying every night and day. I know that it sounds simple or insignificant but it really does change our day. I have seen it in so many people.
love you ALL