Brazil Maceio Mission
Av. Dom Antonio Brandao, 333 Sala 402
Ed. Work Center, Farol
Maceio-AL 57021-190 Brazil
It takes a $.98 stamp for an envelope and one piece of paper. It is supposed to take 6-10 days to get to him.
**A simple way to write Jake---Send us your letter in an email (, we email it to a business in Brazil where they print it and mail it to Jake within Brazil.
It takes less time for him to get the mail and is guaranteed to get to him. He has a very limited time on email so he doesn't have time to read all the emails during that time.
**A simple way to write Jake---Send us your letter in an email (, we email it to a business in Brazil where they print it and mail it to Jake within Brazil.
It takes less time for him to get the mail and is guaranteed to get to him. He has a very limited time on email so he doesn't have time to read all the emails during that time.