Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Feliz páscoa!
So I am in Aracaju Sul in a place called Grageru II  and it is awesome. It's the other state in our mission, which means I am no longer in the poorest state in Brazil= so much cleaner, safer, and more organized. My new comp is Elder Bradshaw who leaves the mission after this transfer. I am "killing" him in the mission. I am in the Grageru II ward and there are three cities in my area. So what I was working in the past 6 months of my mission, is now tripled so there is tons more to do. The difference is more walking. about 1 hour and a half to get to the one side of our area to another. Long I know but so worth it!  We should have a lot of success in this area, we just have to work hard and help the most people we can. My trainer is my zone leader! I still haven't left his side since we got transferred. He is the best influence to me and I will never forget him.
haha Thomas is still preparing to go on a mission hilarious! but tell him the he should read the scriptures at least 5 minutes every day too!
So I got here in this area and we already had two investigators at church. More than I had my entire last area! I am pumped to work here.
I can print the emails that you send, the problem is that I don't have much time to read them. Today I read the entire book "our heritage" it isn't very long but I finished it in 4 hours or so. I have never done that in my life.
So in Brazil they have these giant chocolate eggs. That is all that they do for Easter haha.
That is awesome that Bob and Linda are serving a mission!
so I don't have anything that cool to say this week. It was my comps birthday so I made him a dessert, and he had to visit Maceió to get his passport renewed so I am in a threesome until he gets back. Next week I will have more to say and baptisms to talk about!
eu amo vocês e espero que vocês lembrerem sobre o salvador jesus cristo durante este feriado. sempre tenta fazer seus melhores para que possamos viver com Deus novamente.

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