Monday, July 23, 2012


So, you are right about change. Everything has changed this last week. But, I am super happy to be where I am at right now. In the mission office! My comp is Elder Pajaro and he is the financial secretary. He does everything that has something to do with money, and I do everything else haha. We like each other, and he is always happy so there wont ever be a problem. The mission pres is awesome! its like being with an apostle all day!  I will probably stay here for 6- 8 months, just enough time to get out into the field and baptize still. I wont have a problem with leaving everyday at 6. My comp likes to talk a lot with the people that call him so he always is late with things. Also his job is way more stressful working with money. I will help him so we can at least get three hours of work every day.
I didn't know you had a Facebook! how long have you had it? and I don't update the mission page, I think pres and the wife does it.
What the heck! you guys are going to Hawaii! without me? you took me there when I was 10 years old but I don't remember anything.
The rash is great. I think i got control of it already. haha
It's funny that Dylan's mom is so excited. It will be fun to see what he says when he sees me. The mission is just like a huge family. 
So, I have a scripture for every person that gets this email. I want you guys to think about me while you are reading it, I think you will think its hilarious. Isaiah 28:20. 
Also, do you have the email of Rob Nielson the volleyball coach? an elder wants to try out when he gets back.
Attached is a picture my trainer just sent me.  I think you have seen it but thought I would send it to you again.
This week was crazy, moving into a different house and sitting behind a computer all day instead of being in the street talking to people. It will be different but fun, and i know that I am here for a reason. Whether it is to learn something or to help other people. I love you guys = and hope you have a good week! 

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