Monday, March 18, 2013


The week went well, but we didn't have the baptism. She wasn't ready yet, but this Sunday she will be baptized. and the family that we are teaching traveled this Sunday, so they weren't able to go to church. We are hoping that they are baptized in 2 weeks. Things are going really well though, a lot of people are visiting church, and a missionary just got back from his mission so he is really excited to work with us.

100% of the people here are surprised with my height. It doesn't matter where I am. EVERYONE says something. 
 So some funny things that happened this week. We were saying a prayer with that family that we are teaching, and they have a 2 year old. In the middle of the prayer she takes off her diaper and pees on the floor! hahaahah It was hilarious! the mom was saying the prayer and she said " sorry God but I think you will understand why I am interrupting the prayer." then she put a towel on the puddle and continued her prayer!!! haha
Another funny story. our water stopped this week because the people that live under us moved out and turned off the electricity of their house. It also turned off the water pump that gives us water. sooo.... I had to break in and turn on the electricity. It was easy because we live above them and I just jumped from our balcony into their front yard. I will send pictures. Also, I am the only one in the house illegal at the moment. Even funnier!!!!
Things are going well here. One more week and there are transfers. There are only 3 more transfers in my mission! whoah. 
Its been awhile since I have written in Portuguese...
espero que vocês estejam bem e que as suas semanas estejam boas também. amo todos de vocês, e não se preocupe, vou estar em casa já já!

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