Sunday, December 16, 2012


Christmas plans are going well. We have almost forgotten about christmas because of the area 70 that is coming to our mission at the beginning of December. Everything is crazy here, and the next transfer will be changed too because of the 70.
We heard that there will open 7 more missions here in Brazil, but it doesn't seem like it will affect us. Tell me more about china, I told some people and they are asking me tons of questions about it and I have no idea.
That is awesome that china opened up! Its cool to see how God works little by little.
It's raining there? I miss the cold, it has been so long since I have gone outside and its cold.
Tell Thomas to score for me at his game. I will right him a letter on pday, but tell him happy birthday for me too.
The secretary is in Bahia again, so we have to wait until Monday to talk to her again. It should happen this week, she can't put it off anymore. She had to fight against her mom, and now it seems like she handled it. The friend of Wellington that we baptized two weeks ago will be baptized on December 1st. He accepted everything that we taught, and will go to church tomorrow too.
The assistants have 4 kids they will baptize so we will have to help them with the set up.
BYU football isn't doing very well. They are losing almost every game.
So many fans are dressing up as missionaries, its not very original anymore. I have already seen that 5 or 6 times.
Nothing here will happen on Thanksgiving. Everything is christmas already. Not very much, but there are some lights here on the big buildings.
Presents are still wrapped!  You know that I won't open them until Christmas day.
I will have tons of new clothes when I get home. That was a pretty sweet deal to get the 2 year guarantee, but it isn't very good quality.
Things are going well here. President got back from his trip and we had to get ready for the zone conference. I think everything is in order now, just some small things that I still have to take care of. I am excited to give my training this week, it has a clip of Monsters Inc where that old lady is really grumpy about the papers that aren't being turned in. (baptismal forms) It should be really funny, and hopefully everyone remembers what I say.
Don't have much to say this week, but hope you guys have a good week!

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