Sunday, April 14, 2013


Mission Rules changed!You can email Jake directly at

Thanks for your support!  If you want to send a letter through US mail, 
one piece of paper with an envelope is $.98. 

Elder Jake Langlois Brazil Maceio Mission
Av. Dom Antonio Brandao, 333 Sala 402
Ed. Work Center, Farol
Maceio-AL   57021-190  Brazil

This week was awesome! 
We weren't that sick. I am sure she just stressed out a little bit because Elder Biddulph called home to get medicine. It's because we went to the hospital 3 times to try to do tests to see if I had worms. Long story short they wouldn't accept the tests that we did. We went home and we just decided to wait until we got home to do the tests. I was just with a little bit of diarrhea. Elder Biddulph was worse, he barfed in the favela hahaha. It was so funny! all of our investigators and recent converts were worried about him. We took the medicine and we are better now.
That is so cool!!!!! that was Sara's dream to come back to CA and live. Where are they going to live?
Sounds like kyle is doing well too! I always heard that if you want to make a lot of money you have to do things for children. Eactly what he is doing with the songs he is writing.
That is crazy about the Boy scout situation. Thomas doesn't have very long to finish.
This week was a pretty slow week because of the conference, but we were able to baptize 2 more! Vanesca and Rosinha. They are friends and family of Samantha who we baptized last week. Things are going really well in this area, but there was a transfer. I am staying and Elder Biddulph was transferred. I will know my new comp this week. Hoping that it will be Elder Jensen. We will see how it turns out, I will let you know next week.
Don't worry about my health, Sister Gonzaga helps a lot, and I wont die haha. 
Funny story, we were picking up some people to go to church with us, and a member brought 5 more people. We walked to church in a gang of 14 people or so. The young men are loving us in the ward too because we are baptizing a lot of young women!
This stake is known as the worst stake in the mission. The members are "vagabundos" haha and don't like doing anything. So, watching the conference with them was like watching a soccer game. I am exaggerating obviously, but it was hard. I think my favorite talk was Elder Holland. He is really good!
Also, during the baptism the bishop told Vanesca that she should really date a young man in the ward. Everyone went awkward, then started to laugh. Hope it happens, because she would stay in the church a lot easier!
Anyway, love you guys, just 2 more transfers left!!!!

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